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The Leader in Remote Quality Control and Progress Monitoring

Bringing the construction site to decision makers – 24/7. Reconstruct empowers you to manage your projects remotely, monitor quality, mitigate risk, and make better decisions.

What is photogrammetry software for construction?

Photogrammetry software, in construction, extracts geometric information from 2D reality capture images to create a 3D “digital twin” of the job site.

What is a 360 Camera for Construction Reality Mapping?

The 360 camera captures a complete and immersive street view of its surroundings, making it perfect for weekly reality mapping of a construction site.

Photogrammetry for Construction 101

Photogrammetry turns images or videos of an active construction site or completed structure into a 3D representation, also known as a digital twin.

NeRF: The Future of Reality Mapping?

NeRF (neural radiance fields) could be the future of reality mapping in construction. Learn more about its potential benefits and current limitations.

Reconstruct maps from 360 video and other cameras

Reconstruct maps can be used indoors and outdoors for navigation, inspection, quality control, and progress monitoring.

Maximize measurement accuracy with images overlaid on point clouds

The accuracy of your measurements from 3D models depends on both the interface and the precision of the model

What are one thousand pictures worth?

Photos are the best way to perform visual quality control in construction, bring attention to safety issues, or illustrate the details of plan revisions.